
Cupping therapy has been used for centuries to cure ailments ranging from muscle pain to edema. By using a flame to create a vacuum between a glass jar and your skin, cupping pulls toxins out of your body to help it to heal. However, first-timers may wonder how to maximize the effects of their treatment. The guide below offers advice for afterward. 

How to Take Care of Yourself Following Cupping

1. Focus On Hydration

Since cupping pulls toxins out of your cells and upwards towards your muscles and skin, keep your body hydrated following the treatment to give it the chance to flush contaminants out of your system. Men should drink about 15.5 cups of water a day, and women need 11.5 cups, so make sure you consume at least that much fluid on the day of your treatment. 

2. Bundle Up 

cupping therapySince cupping therapy opens up the pores of your skin, Ancient Chinese wisdom states that you are more likely to be sensitive to temperature changes. Dress warmly to stay comfortable after your appointment and avoid showering, bathing, or swimming that same day. 

3. Minimize Discomfort With Heat

If the areas around where the cupping therapy was performed are slightly sore, resolve discomfort by applying heat. Warm compresses, a heat pad, or even a hot towel out of the dryer can help induce relaxation. Topical products containing arnica can help dark suction spots to heal faster and may help with soreness. 


If you are interested in this non-invasive treatment, turn to Avicenna Acupuncture & Lymphedema Clinic in Wheat Ridge, CO. For more than 11 years, this trusted team has focused on helping their clients resolve discomfort and improve wellness through ancient Chinese treatments such as acupuncture and cupping therapy. While these services aren't a replacement for professional help, they can reduce pain and stress. Learn more about the treatments they offer by visiting their website. To schedule an appointment, call (303) 803-0675. Read satisfied customer reviews on Google.
