
Operating a restaurant, bakery, or other food service business requires staff to be ready to meet sudden increases in customer demand. Luckily, stocking your freezer with Thaw ‘N Serve products can save your business time and money. These partially baked, frozen goods are simple and quick to make, and are ideal when you need to meet high demand during peak periods throughout the day. Consult the guide below to discover the benefits of having and serving Thaw N’ Serve goods from a wholesale bakery.

What Are the Advantages of Thaw ‘N Serve?

1. Fresher Quality

Parbaked breads and pastries stay fresher for a longer period of time because the freezing process keeps these items from becoming stale or going bad. Longer shelf life means you can have a greater quantity of foodstuffs in stock without risk of the food spoiling in a short period of time. Frozen bakery foods also retain more of their nutritional value, which your customers can appreciate.   

2. Does Not Require Baking 

If you don’t have access to an oven, or if you don’t have the time needed to bake large quantities of bakery items throughout the day, parbaked goods from a wholesale bakery are the perfect substitutions. No baking is required, as these items only need to thaw. Before serving, place these items in dry storage for a few hours, and once they’ve had sufficient time to defrost, they’re ready for customers to enjoy.  

3. Less Training From Staff 

wholesale bakery

Parbake is easy to handle because it requires no special training to prepare these bakery items. Besides being low maintenance, there’s no risk of burning these items because no cooking is required. These qualities of parbaked goods are beneficial if you have a small operational team that takes care of other tasks like maintenance, stocking, cooking, or managing your business's front of house. 

4. Easier to Meet Pick-Up Demands 

When business is booming during busy meal times, it's important to keep your menu items in stock. Filling your freezers with Thaw ‘N Serve items can make it easier to deal with surges in demand. Preparation is simple, as you can thaw the amount of bread or pastries you need the day before opening to ensure you have enough items on hand, ready to serve. 


If you want to offer delicious baked items to customers, but don’t have the time or manpower for traditional baking, then Thaw ‘N Serve products from a trusted wholesale bakery are a great solution. EuroPan in Hialeah, FL, specializes in high-quality parbaked goods. This bread distributor uses cutting-edge technology and artisan practices to craft the most delicious items. Call (305) 392-5555 to speak with a team member or visit their website or LinkedIn profile to learn more about their products.  
