
While finding the perfect location for your coffee shop is important, the details of the menu should never be overshadowed. Your menu is the core of your business, whether you're offering croissants or a full-plated breakfast to pair with your unique brews. To help you navigate this delicate decision, here are some tips on how to plan an enticing coffee shop selection. 

3 Menu Planning Tips for Your Coffee Shop

1. Begin With a Strategic Plan

The first step in creating a great coffee shop menu is making a plan. Take into consideration what type of environment you want to provide your customers with. Will you have more of a grab-and-go setting, or would you like customers to sit and enjoy their food and drinks? This can help you choose the right options to complement your aesthetic and provide your visitors with an experience they'll remember. 

2. Create Food and Drink Categories


Next, create different categories for your foods and drinks. For example, you may have two food menu options (one for breakfast and another one for lunch/dinner) plus three different drink categories (coffee, tea, and soda). You should also consider how big the portions will be ahead of time, as this can have an impact on the overall experience in your cafe. Do you want your customers to feel full and satisfied after visiting or perfectly content until lunch or dinner? The answer to this question will determine your menu offering. Breakfast can be positioned as a quick coffee and pastry choice or as a brunch menu with more fulfilling options, such as toasts or sandwiches.

Within each category, you'll want to determine how many types of products you'll be serving. For instance, your lunch menu might include three different sandwiches and two varieties of salads, each paired with white or wholewheat bread. Sit down and try to get this sorted ahead of time so that you can better understand your projected expenses and revenue. 

3. Consider Pricing 

Finally, once you've solidified your menu, you'll need to consider pricing. This can be difficult, especially since market prices can fluctuate. The best tip is to find something that will help you turn a profit without scaring away new customers. When you set your prices too high, people might not buy anything. When they're too low, you may not cover operating costs. Do some research and consider talking to a professional to get a better understanding of how to finalize prices. 


To help keep your coffee shop stocked with croissants, Latin pastries, and plenty of organic bread, turn to the team at EuroPan in Hialeah, FL. This family-owned wholesale bakery has over 15 years of experience and offers affordable, exceptional bakery products. They combine modern technology and artisan processes to create finished parbaked delicacies. Thanks to their rapid freezing techniques, their products can be stored for long-term use. To learn more about their products, visit their website. You can also get more information about their bakery on their LinkedIn page or place an order over the phone by calling (305) 392-5555.
