Difference Between Argentine Tango And Ballroom Tango.
Argentine tango and ballroom tango. What’s the difference? The way the dances look and the music they are danced to are the two major differences. Ballroom tango has a very pronounced, prominent and steady tempo. Almost like a ticking clock. It sounds a bit like paso doble. Argentine tango music is very varied.
Argentine tango has no basic step. It is a totally improvisational dance. Ballroom tango has an 8 count basic which is slow, slow, quick, quick, slow. Most patterns are done using this 8 count basic. Ballroom tango really moves around the room. You are not in one spot for very long. In Argentine tango, you may stay in the same spot for quite a long time doing ganchos, boleos and embellishments. Argentine tango is often danced in close embrace, or salon style. Ballroom tango isn’t. It has a very formal, ballroom look to it. In ballroom tango there are more broad movements with the upper body: sways and dips. There are also more staccato movements like head snaps. You won’t see these types of movements in Argentine tango. Most of the movements are below the waist.
At the advanced level, the patterns and steps in Argentine tango are way more complicated and difficult to do. Ballroom tango does not have volcadas, calesitas, planeos, and barridas or the cross. These are steps that any advanced Argentine tango dancer and many intermediate dancers will know. Ballroom tango is almost always danced in parallel foot system. While Argentine tango is both parallel system and cross foot system.
The dances also have a different feel to them. When dancing ballroom tango the movements are strong, staccato and floor sweeping. You are more with the base. When dancing Argentine tango, you are more with the melody. Listening to any accents in the music and trying to hit them with your movements.