
The spine is a complex column of bones, soft tissue, and nerves that connects to muscles and ligaments. Since it moves any time you bend or twist, poor posture and stressful movements can draw parts out of alignment over time, which can result in noticeable side effects like back pain. Here are some signs to keep an eye out for so you know when to seek a chiropractor's help.

How to Tell If Your Spine Is Misaligned

1. Neck & Back Pain

Lifting a heavy object or bending awkwardly can push vertebrae out of position. The vertebrae or the thin cushioning disc between them can then place pressure on muscles and nerves in the neck or back, leading to muscle stiffness and sharp pain that limit the body's range of motion. Over time, the pain could become debilitating, and patients often have to slouch or sit awkwardly to relieve the tension.

A chiropractor can do a manual exam or use an X-ray to identify the misaligned vertebrae. They'll then use a series of forceful pushes and pulls to realign the spine. Many patients prefer this treatment because it offers immediate pain relief without requiring surgery or medication.

2. Numbness in the Extremities


Nerve pathways extend from the spinal column to the hands and feet. Pressure from herniated discs—those squeezed out from between two vertebrae—can disrupt messages traveling through nerves to and from the brain. As a result, patients may notice numbness or a tingling sensation in their hands or feet when they bend, twist, sit, or stand. Muscle weakness is also common and could limit mobility over time.

3. Uneven Leg Length

Misalignments may cause a person to chronically lean to one side, which gradually pushes one leg further into the hip joint. You may notice one shoe heel wears out faster than another because one leg is longer than the other. One foot may also flare out to the side. Try walking on a straight line for 10 to 20 yards. If you drift to one side, limp, or hobble, back pain and spinal misalignments could be affecting your gait.


Resolve back pain and other issues by connecting with North Pole Chiropractic. Based in North Pole, AK, Dr. Jack Harrison, D.C., and his team help patients achieve pain relief from a variety of issues, including sciatica and automobile injuries. Call (907) 488-1885 to schedule an exam, or learn more about their services on their website.
