
One of the most popular reasons for installing new bird baths, houses, and feeders is to attract birds for viewing. Although not all species will settle into human-made structures or take food, many of Nebraska’s most beloved and beautiful birds will frequent your property in search of shelter and a meal. If you’re new to birdwatching, keep the following tips in mind to help you identify the varieties you see throughout the year.

How to Identify Nebraska's Birds

1. Make Note of Distinguishing Characteristics

Some of a bird’s most distinctive characteristics can be observed with just the eyes, such as color, size, shape, and unique physical features.Whenever one lands on a feeder or bird bath, note these details and whether they have any unique coloration, feather patterns, crests, or other features. Even if you can’t immediately identify it, you can compare your notes and your memory to descriptions and images in popular visual ornithology handbooks.

2. Record the Time of Year

bird baths

About three quarters of North American species migrate south in the winter, which can significantly simplify your efforts to identify any you spot in the colder months. Furthermore, all birds maintain varying seasonal patterns, and their coloring and appearance often change depending on their age. Cross-referencing the time of year with their appearance can help you deduce which ones you see in your yard.

3. Observe Their Behavior

Nearly 500 species make their homes in Nebraska, each of which may display a range of behaviors varying according to their needs or even the time of day. For example, they may spend large amounts of time cleaning themselves in bird baths, hunting for food, climbing trees, or hopping along the ground. These behaviors are all valuable clues as to the identity of a species with which you’re unfamiliar.


If you want to attract the profusion of avian life found in Nebraska to your home, visit Wild Bird Habitat Store in Lincoln, NE. They carry an extensive inventory of bird baths, feeders, and houses, along with a range of seed mixes and suet cakes. Their staff will help you choose the right products to attract beautiful birds for hours of enjoyable watching. Call (402) 420-2553 with any questions, and visit their website to browse their inventory.
